Monday, 1 June 2009

Images from The Wild Swag

Chester Ellis recreates his stunning catch rightly earning him the Champagne Moment of the Match Award.

Ed Weale and the delightful Emily enjoying a day off in the sun.
The last of The Wild Swag's determined not to leave!

Emily Weale looking far prettier without her Dad in the shot!!!!

Johnny Burridge preparing to bat.

Richard 'Whizzer' Wells with his favourite number on the scoreboard!!!!

Michael Sherring banished from earshot. Mike, we just couldn't take it anymore!!!

Nicola Player, our very own Wendy Wimbush!!!!


Unknown said...

I would love to play on Friday 12th v Ditcheat if required. best regards to all Andy Penn

Mark Cadbury said...


Steve would love to play against Ditcheat on Sunday 21st June.

Steven Priscott
Finance Director
0117 9159620
0787 9815576

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