Back Row - Will Sherring, Richard Waters, Ben Tollworthy, Ed Weale, Michael Sherring (Captain), Nick Sinfield & Chester Ellis.
Front Row - Michael Nicholson (Chairman), Mark Cadbury, Mark Meadows, Matthew Ellis & Julian Matthews.
Mark Cadbury chats to Sarah Ellis with the wonderful Rory Ellis looking on. Rory provided my 'Champagne Moment' of the day when, having turned up midway through the match and finding out his father was out second ball, shouted to poor Matt who was umpiring at the time, "Oi Dad - you got a duck!". Priceless.
A couple of anxious looking players from Cafe du Paris seem somewhat resigned to their fate with my eldest daughter, Charlotte, apparently equally unenthralled! "Can I have another 'Shirley Temple' please Dad?" Dear God, she's only 10!
Chester Ellis - ready to take on the world; a glorious future awaits no doubt!
Lizzie - you are going to cause me no end of trouble in years to come!
Basking in the shade, Richard Waters hit one of the hardest, flattest sixes ever seen at Babbers' during his innings.
Stunning picture of Julian Matthews and his two sons just after he had retired having smashed the ball to all parts during his knock of seventy odd.
In the words of the Small Faces, "Lazy Sunday Afternoon..." - says it all really.
The ever-immaculate Cafe' captain Johnny Barran, is given a cuddle by Match Manager par-excellance Ed Weale. Despite taking a pasting, Johnny remains an essential facet of the Babington Cricket Club landscape and we look forward to him playing for us next time.
Can it really get any better than this? As ever, huge thanks to Clive (our groundsman) who produced a belter of a pitch!
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